Fellowship Program (Click Here)"Nagri Eye Research Foundation Trust Announces 1 year fellowship program in the speciality of Cornea & Refractive Surgery, Oculoplasty, Medical & surgical Retina at Shree C. H. Nagri Municipal Eye Hospital, Ahmedabad." Note: 1. The candidate should apply before 25 July,2015. 2. The tentative date for the interview will be in first or second week of August. 3. The orientation program will start from 20TH August. 4. The fellowship programm will commence from 1ST September,2015 World Glaucoma Week
C.H.NAGRI EYE HOSPITALC. H. Nagri Eye Hospital is an exclusive eye hospital, research and training centre located in the heart of the Ahmedabad city. Its mission is to provide excellent and equitable eye care services to all the sections of people of Ahmedabad city and Gujarat since more than 40 years by now. This eye hospital is affiliated. NAGRI EYE RESEARCH FOUNDATION
The "Nagri Eye Research Foundation" was established in 1991 in order to promote and encourage various research activities. Its main aim is prevention of blindness and diagnoses and appropriate management diseases. In order to fulfill this aim, the Research Foundation has considered Nagri Eye Hospital as its institute.